Talent acquisition specialist Joe Arrigo finds exceptional candidates for IT and engineering firms in and around Sacramento, California. Joe Arrigo also manages his own company, Advisr Enterprises, which offers support in interview preparation, resume writing, and career counseling based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
The MBTI categorizes people into 16 main personality types, based on a combination of four dichotomies: introversion/extroversion, intuitive/sensing, feeling/thinking, and judging/perceiving. Each type has strengths and weaknesses that impact how the type performs in leadership roles. Personalities with an extroverted sensing element, which means they draw their energy from interacting with others, and they gather information through things they directly observe, have been found to be best suited for leadership positions. However, this does not mean other types cannot lead effectively. For example, people with Intuitive thinking preferences are indispensable for developing strategies or innovative problem-solving. Intuitive feeling types are beneficial for leadership roles that require consensus or help team members with personal development. Comments are closed.
AuthorOutside of his varied professional pursuits, Joe Arrigo enjoys reading and weightlifting, working out four times per week. He also reads upward of 50 books per year and enjoys ping pong, darts, and partaking in political discussion. Archives
April 2021
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